
发布时间:2019-06-28 发布网站:脚本宝典

docker Action 记录 作者: LinkSystem 2017/08/11

Ionic3 Action 是我关于Ionic3的实践记录。

配置 cnpm和npm的国内

npm install -g cnpm --registry=

npm config set registry

部署 Ionic cordova

npm install -g ionic cordova

创建 Ionic 的项目


ionic start ionic-action

? What starter would you like to use:
> tabs ............... ionic-angular A starting project with a simple tabbed interface
  blank .............. ionic-angular A blank starter project
  sidemenu ........... ionic-angular A starting project with a side menu with navigation in the content area
  super .............. ionic-angular A starting project complete with pre-built pages, providers and best practices for
 Ionic development.
  conference ......... ionic-angular A project that demonstrates a realworld application
  tutorial ........... ionic-angular A tutorial based project that goes along with the Ionic documentation
  aws ................ ionic-angular AWS Mobile Hub Starter

#需要手动删除node_modules,然后进入该项目重新 install 一下
#但需要注意的是不要使用 npm install,否则还是回因网络问题挂掉

cd ionic-action

cnpm install
 [17/19] Installing repeat-string@^1.5.2platform unsupported @ionic/app-scripts@3.0.0 › chokidar@1.7.0 › fsevents@^1.0.0 Package require os(darwin) not compatible with your platform(win32)
[fsevents@^1.0.0] optional install error: Package require os(darwin) not compatible with your platform(win32)
√ Installed 19 packages
√ Linked 489 latest versions
Cached binary found at C:UsersHello.npminstall_tarballnode-sass4.5.3win32-x64-48_binding.node
Binary found at D:Learn-Ionicionic-actionnode_modules_node-sass@4.5.3@node-sassvendorwin32-x64-48binding.node
Testing binary
Binary is fine
√ Run 2 scripts
deprecate @ionic/app-scripts@3.0.0rollup-plugin-node-builtins@2.1.2 › browserify-fs@1.0.0level-filesystem@1.2.0level-sublevel@5.2.3 › xtend@2.0.6object-keys@~0.2.0 Please update to the latest object-keys
Recently updated (since 2017-09-22): 16 packages (detail see file D:Learn-Ionicionic-actionnode_modules.recently_updates.txt)
    → @ionic/app-scripts@3.0.0 › autoprefixer@7.1.1 › browserslist@2.4.0 › electron-to-chromium@^1.3.18(1.3.24) (16:02:24)
    → @ionic/app-scripts@3.0.0 › autoprefixer@7.1.1 › caniuse-lite@^1.0.30000670(1.0.30000740) (13:01:02)
    → @ionic/app-scripts@3.0.0 › tslint@5.7.0 › tsutils@^2.8.1(2.10.0) (02:28:25)
√ All packages installed (576 packages installed from npm registry, used 36s, speed 36.1kB/s, json 508(1.06MB), tarball 223.02kB)

访问 Ionic 项目

# 启动项目,自动访问 (默认浏览器ionic serve
[INFO] Starting app-scripts server: --address --port 8100 --livereload-port 35729 --dev-LOGger-port 53703 -Ctrl+C to cancel

配置 AndROId Studio 以及 Android SDK

自行百度, 注意配置 SDK的所在的路径,Gradle的所在的路径

为 Ionic 添加插件

# --nofetch 是必须的
cordova platform add android@6.2.3 --nofetch

构建 Android 应用

ionic cordova run android

关于 Ionic 的错误

确实非常麻烦, 但如果规矩的按步骤来还是可以构建起来的,重点是配置Android部分可能比较麻烦。



