
发布时间:2018-11-24 发布网站:脚本宝典


In this example we’ll greatly simplify the communication between the houses and
say that all messages pass through the great lord. In this case we’ll use the house of
Stark as our great lord. They have a number of other houses which talk wITh them.

 class Karstark {     constructor(greatedLord){         this.greatLord = greatedLord;     }     receiveMessage(message){     }     sendMessage(message){         this.greatLord.routeMessage(message);     } }

They have two functions, one of which receives messages From a third party and one
of which sends messages out to their great lord, which is set upon instantiation

 class HouseStark{     constructor(){         this.karstark = new Karstark(this);         this.bolton = new Bolton(this);         this.frey = new Frey(this);         this.umber = new Umber(this);     }     routeMessage(message) {      } }


In this example we’ll greatly simplify the communication between the houses and
say that all messages pass through the great lord. In this case we’ll use the house of
Stark as our great lord. They have a number of other houses which talk with them.

 class Karstark {     constructor(greatedLord){         this.greatLord = greatedLord;     }     receiveMessage(message){     }     sendMessage(message){         this.greatLord.routeMessage(message);     } }

They have two functions, one of which receives messages from a third party and one
of which sends messages out to their great lord, which is set upon instantiation

 class HouseStark{     constructor(){         this.karstark = new Karstark(this);         this.bolton = new Bolton(this);         this.frey = new Frey(this);         this.umber = new Umber(this);     }     routeMessage(message) {      } }

觉得可用,就经常来吧!Javascript技巧 脚本宝典 欢迎评论哦! js技巧,巧夺天工,精雕玉琢。小宝典献丑了!



