javascript代码实例教程-(3)选择元素――(8)定制选择器(Custom selectors)

发布时间:2019-02-23 发布网站:脚本宝典
脚本宝典收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了javascript代码实例教程-(3)选择元素――(8)定制选择器(Custom selectors)脚本宝典觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
小宝典致力于为广大程序猿(媛)提供高品质的代码服务,请大家多多光顾小站,小宝典在此谢过。 To the wide VARiety of CSS selectors, jQuery adds ITs own custom selectors. These custom selectors enhance the already imPressive capabilities of CSS selectors to locate page elements in new ways.


PErformance note

When possible, jQuery uses the native DOM selector engine of the browser to find elements. This extremely fast apPRoach is not possible when custom jQuery selectors are used. For this reason, it is recommended to avoid frequent use of custom selectors when a native option is available and performance is very important.




Most of the custom selectors allow us to pick certain elements out of a line-up, so to speak. Typically used following a CSS selector, this kind of custom selector identifies elements based on their positions within the previously-selected group. The syntax is the same as the CSS pseudo-classsyntax, where the selector starts with a colon (:). For example, to select the second item From a set of <p>elements with a class of horizontal, we write the following code:



Note that :eq(1)selects the second item in the set because JavaScript array numbering is zero-based, meaning that it starts with 0. In contrast, CSS is one-based, so a CSS selector such as $('p:nth-child(1)')would select all pselectors that are the First child of their parent (in this case, however, we would probably use 



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以上是脚本宝典为你收集整理的javascript代码实例教程-(3)选择元素――(8)定制选择器(Custom selectors)全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决javascript代码实例教程-(3)选择元素――(8)定制选择器(Custom selectors)所遇到的问题。

