javascript代码实例教程-(3)选择元素――(5)为项目列表加样式(Styling list-item levels)

发布时间:2019-02-23 发布网站:脚本宝典
脚本宝典收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了javascript代码实例教程-(3)选择元素――(5)为项目列表加样式(Styling list-item levels)脚本宝典觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
小宝典致力于为广大程序猿(媛)提供高品质的代码服务,请大家多多光顾小站,小宝典在此谢过。 Let's suppose that we want the top-level ITems, and only the top-level items, to be arranged horizontally. We can start by defining a horizontalclass in the stylesheet:

.horizontal {float: left;list-style: none;margin: 10px;}


.horizontal {float: left;list-style: none;margin: 10px;}

The horizontal class floats the element to the left of the one following it, removes the bullet From it if it's a list item, and adds a 10-pixel margin on all sides of it.


Rather than attaching the horizontalclass directly in our HTML, we'll add it dynamically to the top-level list items only—Comedies, Tragedies, and Histories—to demonstrate jQuery's use of selectors, as follows:

$(document).ready(function() {$('#selected-plays > li').addClass('horizontal');});

我们动态的在顶部元素(仅仅Comedies,Tragedies,Histories)添加了horizontal类,而不是直接在htML标签上添加,展示了jquery作为选择器的使用,如下:$(document).ready(function() {$('#selected-plays > li').addClass('horizontal');});

As discussed in Chapter 1, we begin the jQuery code by calling $(document).ready(), which runs the function passed to it as soon as the DOM has loaded but not before.


The second line uses the child combinator(>) to add the horizontalclass to all top-level items only. In effect, the selector inside the $()function is saying, "Find each list item (li) that is a child (>) of the element with an ID of selected-plays (#selected-plays)."

第二行使用子代选择器仅仅为顶部元素添加horizontal类。他的作用是,$()内部的选择器方法正在说:"找到每一个有着selected-play ID的元素的子元素列表项目(li)"。

With the class now applied, the rules defined for that class in the stylesheet take effect. Now our nested list looks similar to the following screenshot:



Styling all of the other items—those that are not in the top level—can be done in a number of ways. As we have already applied the horizontalclass to the top-level items, one way to select all sub-level items is to use a negation pseudo-classto identify all list items that do not have a class of horizontal. Note the addition of the third line of code:

$(document).ready(function() {

$('#selected-plays > li').addClass('horizontal');

$('#selected-plays li:not(.horizontal)').addClass('sub-level');



$(document).ready(function() {

$('#selected-plays > li').addClass('horizontal');

$('#selected-plays li:not(.horizontal)').addClass('sub-level');


This time we are selecting every list item (<li>) that:

•  Is a descendant of the element with an ID of selected-plays

•  (#selected-plays)

•  Does not have a class of horizontal(:not(.horizontal))


是selected-plays ID的后代元素(#delected-plays)


When we add the sub-levelclass to these items, they receive the shaded background defined in the stylesheet. Now the nested list looks similar to the following screenshot:



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以上是脚本宝典为你收集整理的javascript代码实例教程-(3)选择元素――(5)为项目列表加样式(Styling list-item levels)全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决javascript代码实例教程-(3)选择元素――(5)为项目列表加样式(Styling list-item levels)所遇到的问题。

