CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置

发布时间:2019-07-19 发布网站:脚本宝典
脚本宝典收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置脚本宝典觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

RHCS: red hat Cluster SuITe


时间同步, hosts解析, ssh互信
此集群建议使用3个以上节点, 2节点集群需要配置仲裁磁盘




yum install luci rgmanager

PS: 只安装rgmanager就可以牵动安装HA集群软件包, 也可暂不安装, 使用luci批量安装


1.编辑 node1 上 /etc/Sysconfig/luci 文件, 将服务端口改为1024的某个端口

[root@node1 ~]# vim /etc/sysconfig/luci
port = 8084

2.为所有节点的 ricci 用户设置密码

[root@node1 ~]# passwd ricci
Changing password for user ricci.
New password: 
BAD PASSWORD: it is too short
BAD PASSWORD: is too simple
RetyPE new password: 
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

3.启动所用节点上的 ricci 服务

service ricci start

4.启动 node1 上的 luci 服务:

[root@node1 ~]# service luci start
Start luci...                                              [  OK  ]
Point your web browser to https://node1:8084 (or equivalent) to access luci


浏览器访问 https://node1:8084 使用运行 luci 节点的 root 用户和密码登录:

CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置

在 Manage Cluster 中选在 create 创建一个新集群:

CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置

PS: 此处密码即为 ricci 用密码, tcp:11111 为 ricci 服务所监听的端口

CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置


此处以 web service 为例, httpd安装过程不再演示, 分别为3个节点提供一个不同的页面用以测试


CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置

CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置

PS: RHCS与corosync不同, 资源必须添加到服务后才能启动


CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置

CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置


CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置

在命令行启动一次之后恢复正常, 原因不明, 排错失败, 这次是我输了

CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置

CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置


clusvCADm 命令行管理工具:

clusvcadm: invalid option -- '-'
usage: clusvcadm [command]

Resource Group Control Commands:
-v Display version and exit
-d <group> Disable <group>. This stops a group until an administrator enables it again, the cluster loses and regains quorum, or an
administrator-defined event script explicitly enables it again.
-e <group> Enable <group>
-e <group> -F Enable <group> according to failover domain rules (dePRecated; always the case when using central processing)
-e <group> -m <;member> Enable <group> on <member>
-r <group> -m <member> Relocate <group> [to <member>] Stops a group and starts it on another cluster member.
-M <group> -m <member> Migrate <group> to <member> (e.g. for live migration of VMs)
-q Quiet operation
-R <group> Restart a group in place.
-s <group> Stop <group>. This temporarily stops a group. After the next group or or cluster member transition, the group will be
restarted (if possible).
-Z <group> Freeze resource group. This prevents transitions and status checks, and is useful if an administrator needs to administer part of
a service without stopping the whole service.
-U <group> Unfreeze (thaw) resource group. Restores a group to normal operation.
-c <group> Convalesce (repair, fix) resource group. Attempts to start failed, non-critical resources within a resource group. Resource Group
Locking (for cluster Shutdown / Debugging):
-l Lock local resource group managers. This prevents resource groups From starting.
-S Show lock state
-u Unlock resource group managers. This allows resource groups to start.


[root@node1 ~]# clustat 
Cluster Status for web_cluster @ Wed May 25 22:10:04 2016
Member Status: Quorate

 Member Name                                      ID   Status
 ------ ----                                      ---- ------
 node1                                                1 Online, Local, rgmanager
 node2                                                2 Online, rgmanager
 node3                                                3 Online, rgmanager

 Service Name                            Owner (Last)                            State         
 ------- ----                            ----- ------                            -----         
 service:web_service                     node3                                   started       
[root@node1 ~]# clusvcadm -r web_service -m node2
Trying to relocate service:web_service to node2...Success
service:web_service is now running on node2
[root@node1 ~]# clustat 
Cluster Status for web_cluster @ Wed May 25 22:11:00 2016
Member Status: Quorate

 Member Name                                      ID   Status
 ------ ----                                      ---- ------
 node1                                                1 Online, Local, rgmanager
 node2                                                2 Online, rgmanager
 node3                                                3 Online, rgmanager

 Service Name                            Owner (Last)                            State         
 ------- ----                            ----- ------                            -----         
 service:web_service                     node2                                   started       

CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置

结果而言服务正常, 报错问题找到原因后再补充吧


以上是脚本宝典为你收集整理的CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决CentOS 6.x RHCS Cluster 配置所遇到的问题。

