[LeetCode] 776. Split BST

发布时间:2019-06-28 发布网站:脚本宝典
脚本宝典收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了[LeetCode] 776. Split BST脚本宝典觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


Given a Binary SeArch Tree (BST) wITh root node root, and a target value V, split the tree into two suBTrees where one subtree has nodes that are all smaller or equal to the target value, while the other subtree has all nodes that are greater than the target value. It's not necessarily the case that the tree contains a node with value V.

Additionally, most of the structure of the original tree should remain. Formally, for any child C with parent P in the original tree, if they are both in the same subtree after the split, then node C should still have the parent P.

You should output the root TreeNode of both subtrees after splitting, in any order.

Example 1:

Input: root = [4,2,6,1,3,5,7], V = 2
Output: [[2,1],[4,3,6,null,null,5,7]]
Note that root, output[0], and output[1] are TreeNode objects, not arrays.

The given tree [4,2,6,1,3,5,7] is represented by the following diagram:

  2      6
 /     / 
1   3  5   7

while the diagrams for the outputs are:

  3      6      and    2
        /            /
       5   7         1


The size of the BST will not exceed 50.
The BST is always valid and each node's value is different.


class Solution {
    public TreeNode[] splitBST(TreeNode root, int V) {
        TreeNode[] res = new TreeNode[2];
        if (root == null) return res;
        if (root.val <= V) {
            res[0] = root;
            TreeNode[] rightRes = splitBST(root.right, V);
            root.right = rightRes[0];
            res[1] = rightRes[1];
        } else {
            res[1] = root;
            TreeNode[] leftRes = splitBST(root.left, V);
            root.left = leftRes[1];
            res[0] = leftRes[0];
        return res;


以上是脚本宝典为你收集整理的[LeetCode] 776. Split BST全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决[LeetCode] 776. Split BST所遇到的问题。

